(Latin: around, about, surrounding, closed curve, circling, circular on all sides; literally, "in a circle")
The world's largest ocean current which circles the globe and feeds cold water into the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.
1. An act or instance of going or moving around.
2. A circular journey or one which begins and ends at the same place; around.
3. A roundabout journey or course.
4. A periodical journey from place to place, to perform certain duties, as by judges who hold court, ministers who preach, or salespeople covering a route.
5. The route followed, places visited, or districts covered by people who make journeys to perform their duties.
6. The line going around or bounding any area or object; the distance around an area or object.
7. The space within a bounding line or district: "The circuit of the valley was a beautiful drive."
8. In the electrical field, an electric circuit or the complete path of an electric current, including the generating apparatus, intervening resistors, or capacitors.
9. In telecommunications, a means of transmitting communication signals or messages, usually consisting of two channels for interactive communication.
10. A number of theaters, nightclubs, etc., controlled by the same owner or manager or visited in turn by the same entertainers or acting companies.
11. Etymology: from about 1382, Old French circuit, from Latin circuitus, "a going around", from the stem of circuire, circumire, "to go around", from circum, "around" + -ire, "to go".
2. A circular journey or one which begins and ends at the same place; around.
3. A roundabout journey or course.
4. A periodical journey from place to place, to perform certain duties, as by judges who hold court, ministers who preach, or salespeople covering a route.
5. The route followed, places visited, or districts covered by people who make journeys to perform their duties.
6. The line going around or bounding any area or object; the distance around an area or object.
7. The space within a bounding line or district: "The circuit of the valley was a beautiful drive."
8. In the electrical field, an electric circuit or the complete path of an electric current, including the generating apparatus, intervening resistors, or capacitors.
9. In telecommunications, a means of transmitting communication signals or messages, usually consisting of two channels for interactive communication.
10. A number of theaters, nightclubs, etc., controlled by the same owner or manager or visited in turn by the same entertainers or acting companies.
11. Etymology: from about 1382, Old French circuit, from Latin circuitus, "a going around", from the stem of circuire, circumire, "to go around", from circum, "around" + -ire, "to go".
circuitous (adjective), more circuitous, most circuitous
1. Pertaining to or taking a roundabout, lengthy course: The speaker spoke in a circuitous manner which ended in multitudinous arguments.
2. Regarding a deviation from a straight course or a direct procedure: Betty's father took a circuitous drive to avoid the rush-hour traffic.

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2. Regarding a deviation from a straight course or a direct procedure: Betty's father took a circuitous drive to avoid the rush-hour traffic.

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circuitously (adverb), more circuitously, most circuitously
1. A reference to a long and winding way.
2. Descriptive of responding indirectly or not to the point.
2. Descriptive of responding indirectly or not to the point.
Winding, indirect, meandering, or rambling.
1. The design of or a detailed plan for an electric current: "There are circuitries of equipment that involve the controlled conduction of electrons."
2. The science of designing electric or electronic devices that provide a path for electrical currents to flow.
2. The science of designing electric or electronic devices that provide a path for electrical currents to flow.
circumagitate (verb), circumagitates; circumagitated; circumagitating
To stir around and mix in all directions: Chuck was told to circumagitate the contents of the shaker in order to have a fantastic alcoholic drink.
The act of moving or stirring around or about: Circumagitation was need in order to have the closed can of paint mixed well before using.
Being encompassed or enclosed on all sides; surrounded: Recently, the employees of Karl's company have been living in a circumambience of economic gloom.
circumambient (adjective), more circumambient, most circumambient
1. A reference to something which is surrounded completely by something else: The little island was in the middle of the circumambient lake and could only be reached by boat!
2. Relating to an area or border around a specific thing or place: The circumambient mountains enclosed the small valley below which discouraged tourists from going there.
3. Etymology: from Latin circum, "around, round about, on all sides" + ambire, "to go around, to surround"; from amb-, "on both sides, around" + ire, "to go".
2. Relating to an area or border around a specific thing or place: The circumambient mountains enclosed the small valley below which discouraged tourists from going there.
3. Etymology: from Latin circum, "around, round about, on all sides" + ambire, "to go around, to surround"; from amb-, "on both sides, around" + ire, "to go".
circumambulate (sur" kuhm AM byuh layt) (verb), circumambulate; circumambulated; circumambulating
1. To walk around something continuously: James was so nervous before his oral test that he couldn’t sit still, so he circumambulated countless times before he was called in by the professor.
2. To avoid the point of a subject or discussion: Timothy noticed that Jack was circumambulating the main aspect of the topic, which needed to be decided on, and asking questions which were not relevant to the important issue at hand.
2. To avoid the point of a subject or discussion: Timothy noticed that Jack was circumambulating the main aspect of the topic, which needed to be decided on, and asking questions which were not relevant to the important issue at hand.

Jerome was nervously circumambulating at the hospital as he was waiting to hear from his wife about the birth of their child.
A stroll or a walk for leisurely pleasure or for exercise: Janet goes on a circumambulation in her neighborhood every day whenever the weather permits it.
Someone who walks around something; especially, as part of a ritual: Susan and Jeff, who are regular circumambulators, are fond of circling around the lake by foot near their home every evening.
circumambulatory (adjective), more circumambulatory, most circumambulatory
Descriptive of the capability of walking or travelling all over: Shawn was planning on a circumambulatory trip through the country.
Eve usually went to the cemetery where her parents were buried and the circumambulatory stroll brought back memories of the past when they all lived together.
circumantarctic (adjective) (not comparative)
Located around the antarctic region.